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The Customer is Always Available


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 Because details are left off the user stories the developers will need to talk with customers to get enough detail to complete a programming task. Projects of any significant size will require a full time commitment from the customer.
 The customer will also be needed to help with functional testing. The test data will need to be created and target results computed or verified. Functional tests verify that the system is ready to be released into production. It can happen that the system will not pass all functional tests just prior to release. The customer will be needed to review the test score and allow the system to continue into production or stop it.
 This may seem like a lot of the customer's time at first but we should remember that the customer's time is spared initially by not requiring

Another Satisfied Customer
a detailed requirements specification and saved later by not delivering an uncooperative system. Some problems can occur when multiple customers are made available part time. Experts in any field have a tendency to argue. This is natural. Solve this problem by requiring all the customers to be available for occasional group meetings to hash out differences of opinion. Coding Standards

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Copyright 1997, 1999 J. Donovan Wells all rights reserved. Any resemblance to actual customers is purely coincidental.