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The Team Owns the Schedule

Lessons Learned

 The right team can accomplish goals beyond one's wildest dreams! These teams are also known as highly performing learning organizations; they elicit effective project management practices through team ownership of the plan, and they demand software development projects to be managed in two segments: a project deliverables schedule (release plan) and an iteration plan of programming (engineering) tasks.
 These two are not the same; most project managers fail to let the engineering team work to the beat of the engineering plan, instead they
assign work and force teams to use a project plan focused only on customer deliverables.
 In fact, we all know this erroneous practice is contradictory to good object thinking, let alone reusable frameworks, testing, refactoring, Extreme Programming (XP), and so on. Thus, we achieved our successes when we used extreme schedule negotiation [a.k.a release planning].

Jeanine De Guzman
Ford Motor Company

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