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Acceptance Tests Need
to be Easy to Update

Lessons Learned

 The VCAPS project at Ford used the unit test framework for both unit tests and acceptance tests. At the time it seemed like the simplest thing that could possibly work. But in order to use the more generic unit test framework we had to hand code large amounts of data. That is, our database was created with := (assignment) statements. The result was that it required someone familiar with the acceptance test data to update it or add new data and tests.
 I had noticed that it was difficult. But continued on anyway. That was my mistake, we needed to create a tool to maintain our tests. A custom made, domain specific tool that would aid us and our customers in creating acceptance tests. My excuse was that there was never enough time to create it. We probably spent even more time creating test data the hard way.
 Now a couple years later VCAPS has entered the maintenance part of it's life cycle. The acceptance tests are still being used to find integration bugs, but no new tests are being added. What the maintenance people are finding is that it is nearly impossible to add new acceptance tests and hard to maintain the ones that exist without some sort of tool designed to make all that data easy to handle.
 The best thing we could have done for our project was to just go ahead and create the tool early on. In retrospect it would have been far simpler to have such a tool. Creating the tool would have helped us and saved us time over the entire life cycle of the project. functional tests

Don Wells
eXPerience Software

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