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Michigan eXtreme
Programming Enthusiasts


The next meeting will be in mid May. Top

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MXPE will begin charging dues on a yearly basis and a per meeting basis.Yearly dues schedule is as follows; professional member $25, corporate member $100 (6 representatives), student member $5. Single meeting tickets are $10 or $2 for students.
Membership dues can be paid by mail. Please make your check payable to "MXPE."
If you need a receipt sent back to you, please be sure to include a return address with your payment. Payments can be sent to the following address:
MXPE Treasurer
2041 Miller Rd
Metamora, MI 48455-9222
Payments can also be made at the meeting. Please show up a few minutes early if paying on site. Payment by check is preferred.

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Copyright 1999 by J. Donovan Wells.