Software Engineering
Java Object Model

Course Map



Java Types

Exercise: What kind of type?

Java Values

Exercise: What kind of value?

Subtype Relationship

S is a subtype of T if
  1. S and T are the same type
  2. S and T are both class types, and T is a direct or indirect superclass of S
  3. S is a class type, T is an interface type, and S or one of its superclasses implements T
  4. S and T are both interface types, and T is a direct or indirect superinterface of S
  5. S and T are both array types, and the component type of S is a subtype of the component type of T
  6. S is not a primitive type and T is the type Object
  7. S is an array type and T is Cloneable or Serializable
  8. S is the null type and T is not a primitive type

Subtype Examples

Subtype Examples


The ArrayStoreException

Array References


Wrapper Classes

Enumerated Types

Typesafe Enumerations

Type Inquiry

The Class Class

An Employee Object vs. the Employee.class Object


Type Inquiry

Array Types

Object: The Cosmic Superclass

The toString Method

Overriding the toString Method

Overriding toString in Subclass

The equals Method

Overriding the equals Method

Overriding equals in Subclass

Not all equals Methods are Simple

The Object.equalsMethod

Requirements for equals Method

Fixing Employee.equals

The Perfect equals Method



Shallow and Deep Copy




The Cloneable Interface

The clone Method

public class Employee 
implements Cloneable
public Object clone()
return super.clone();
catch(CloneNotSupportedException e)
return null; // won't happen

Shallow Cloning

Deep Cloning

public class Employee 
implements Cloneable
public Object clone()
Employee cloned = (Employee)super.clone();
cloned.hireDate = (Date)hiredate.clone();
return cloned;
catch(CloneNotSupportedException e)
return null; // won't happen

Deep Cloning


Cloning and Inheritance



How Serialization Works

How Serialization Works


Serialing Unserializable Classes




Enumerating Fields

Enumerating Constructors

Getting A Single Method Descriptor

Invoking a Method

Inspecting Objects

Inspecting Objects

Inspecting Array Elements

Generic Types

Generic Methods

Type Bounds

Type Bounds





Type Erasure

Limitations of Generics

Limitations of Generics


A Builder Environment

Java Beans

Java Beans


A Calendar Bean

A Property Sheet


Façade Class

Façade Pattern

  1. A subsystem consists of multiple classes, making it complicated for clients to use
  2. Implementor may want to change subsystem classes
  3. Want to give a coherent entry point
  1. Define a facade class that exposes all capabilities of the subsystem as methods
  2. The facade methods delegate requests to the subsystem classes
  3. The subsystem classes do not know about the facade class

Façade Pattern


Façade Pattern

Name in Design Pattern
Actual Name (Beans)
Builder tool
Main bean class with which the tool interacts
Class used to implement bean functionality

Bean Properties

Property Syntax

Java Naming Conventions

Editing Beans in a Builder Tool

Editing Beans in a Builder Tool

Packaging a Bean

Composing Beans

Composing Beans