EditRecipe Acceptance Test

A recipe may be edited in the CoffeeMaker. The user will be prompted for the name of which recipe they wish to edit, then they will be asked to reenter the recipe information. A recipe name may not be changed to a name of any other recipe in the recipe list.

start edu.ncsu.csc326.coffeemaker.EditRecipe  
enter recipe to edit Coffee
check edit recipe false
press start recipe  
enter old recipe name Coffee
enter old recipe price 50
enter old recipe coffee units 2
enter old recipe milk units 1
enter old recipe sugar units 1
enter old recipe chocolate units 0
check add recipe true
enter recipe to edit Coffee
enter new recipe name Coffee
enter new recipe price 50
enter new recipe coffee units 2
enter new recipe milk units 1
enter new recipe sugar units 1
enter new recipe chocolate units 0
check edit recipe true

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Edit Recipe FIT Test © 2004 Dr. Laurie Williams, Sarah Smith