set serveroutput on exec dbms_output.enable(60000); drop table people; drop table locations; drop table federations; drop table specialities; drop table martial_arts; drop table salary_grade; create table federations ( id_fed number(4) not null, name varchar(30), formula varchar(20), champs_per_year number(4), PRIMARY KEY(id_fed) ); create table specialities ( id_spec number(4) not null, spec_name varchar(30), origin varchar(30), PRIMARY KEY(id_spec) ); create table locations ( id_loc number(4) not null, city varchar(30), federation number(4), PRIMARY KEY(id_loc), FOREIGN KEY(federation) REFERENCES federations(id_fed) ); create table people ( id_p number(4) not null, surename varchar2(50) not null, name varchar2(20), status varchar2(10), location number, speciality number, sal number, hiredate date, PRIMARY KEY(id_p), FOREIGN KEY(location) REFERENCEs locations(id_loc), FOREIGN KEY(speciality) REFERENCES specialities(id_spec) ); create table martial_arts ( id_ma number(4) not null, loc number(4), spec number(4), PRIMARY KEY(id_ma), FOREIGN KEY(loc) REFERENCES locations(id_loc), FOREIGN KEY(spec) REFERENCES specialities(id_spec) ); create table salary_grade ( id_salg number(4) not null, job varchar(20), high number, low number, PRIMARY KEY(id_salg) ); CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER auto_id BEFORE INSERT ON people FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT NVL(MAX(id_p)+1,1) INTO :NEW.id_p FROM people; END; / CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER auto_id2 BEFORE INSERT ON locations FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT NVL(MAX(id_loc)+1,1) INTO :NEW.id_loc FROM locations; END; / CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER auto_id3 BEFORE INSERT ON federations FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT NVL(MAX(id_fed)+1,1) INTO :NEW.id_fed FROM federations; END; / CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER auto_id4 BEFORE INSERT ON specialities FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT NVL(MAX(id_spec)+1,1) INTO :NEW.id_spec FROM specialities; END; / CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER auto_id5 BEFORE INSERT ON martial_arts FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT NVL(MAX(id_ma)+1,1) INTO :NEW.id_ma FROM martial_arts; END; / CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER auto_id6 BEFORE INSERT ON salary_grade FOR EACH ROW BEGIN SELECT NVL(MAX(id_salg)+1,1) INTO :NEW.id_salg FROM salary_grade; END; / create or replace trigger sknerus after update or insert on people for each row Begin if(:NEW.sal>7000) then DBMS_output.put_line('Too high salary'); END IF; End; / create or replace trigger sal_check_on_people after insert or update of sal, status on people for each row when (new.status != 'BOSS') declare minsal number; maxsal number; begin select low into minsal from salary_grade where job = :new.status; select high into maxsal from salary_grade where job = :new.status; if :new.SAL < low or :new.SAL > high then raise_application_error(-20225, 'Salary range exceeded'); end if; end; / create or replace trigger job_filter before insert or update of job on salary_grade for each row when(new.job != 'TRAINER' and new.job != 'FIGHTER' and new.job != 'DOCTOR') begin raise_application_error(-20225, 'Please add grades for: TRAINER or FIGHTER or DOCTOR'); end; / create or replace trigger info after insert or update on federations for each row begin if :NEW.champs_per_year < 0 then raise_application_error(-20226, 'You must specify a valid number of championships per year (zero or null - not specified,varying)'); else DBMS_output.put_line(' You have just added a new federation!! name: '|| ||' Formula: '||:NEW.formula); end if; end; / insert into specialities values(1, 'KICKBOXING', 'USA'); insert into specialities values(2, 'VALE TUDO', 'BRASIL'); insert into specialities values(3, 'MUAI THAI', 'THAILAND'); insert into specialities values(4, 'COMBAT 56', 'POLAND'); insert into specialities values(5, 'SAMBO', 'RUSSIA'); insert into specialities values(6, 'JUDO', 'JAPAN'); insert into federations values(1, 'UFC', 'MMA', 4); insert into federations values(2, 'K1_MAX', 'k1', 3); insert into federations values(3, 'PRIDE', 'MMA', 4); insert into federations values(4, 'Okniński Vale Tudo', 'MMA', 2); insert into federations values(5, 'DJFC', 'MUAI THAI', 2); insert into federations values(6, 'MOKOTÓW STREET FC', 'FREESTYLE', 12); insert into federations values(7, 'BRZESKA MIDNIGHT FIGHT', 'FREESTYLE', 0); insert into federations values(8, 'JUNGLE FIGHT', 'MMA', NULL); insert into locations values(1, 'LAS VEGAS', 1); insert into locations values(2, 'TOKIO', 2); insert into locations values(3, 'WARSZAWA', 4); insert into locations values(4, 'PARIS', 2); insert into locations values(5, 'RIO DE JANEIRO', 2); insert into locations values(6, 'AMSTERDAM', 5); insert into people values(1, 'RUAS', 'MARCO', 'TRAINER', 4 , 2, 15000, '1990/09/15'); insert into people values(2, 'CHMIELEWSKI', 'ANTONI', 'FIGHTER', 3, 6, 3000, '1990/12/12'); insert into people values(3, 'LeBanner', 'JEROME', 'TRAINER', 5 , 1, 8000, '2005/12/15'); insert into people values(4, 'RUTTEN', 'BAS', 'BOSS', null , null, 25000, '1989/01/04'); insert into people values(5, 'BERNARDO', 'MIKE', 'TRAINER', 5 , 1, 10000, '2005/11/14'); insert into people values(6, 'KiCH', 'MARK', 'TRAINER', 5 , 1, 30000, '2005/11/14'); insert into people values(7, 'LEBEN', 'CHRIS', 'FIGHTER', 1 , 1, 3000, '2005/01/15'); insert into martial_arts values(1,1,1); insert into martial_arts values(2,1,3); insert into martial_arts values(3,2,6); insert into martial_arts values(4,2,2); insert into salary_grade values(1, 'TRAINER', 15000, 7000); insert into salary_grade values(2, 'FIGHTER', 6000, 1500); insert into salary_grade values(3, 'MAGICIAN', 6000, 1500);