1. Create Eclipse workspace on your local host


1.       Make the Eclipse workspace directory

        e.g.: mkdir /home/<username>/workspace

2.       Set JAVA_HOME to appropriate JDK directory

3.       Run  eclipse  from your installation Eclipse Directory

        Check Use this as the default and do not ask again

4.       Select  Go to the workbench  at the top-right corner of the Eclipse window

5.       Click on the menu item  Project  and unselect  Build Automatically

6.       Select File => New => ProjectÉ

7.       Select SVN=> Checkout Projects from SVN

8.       Click Next

9.       Check in Create a new repository location then click Next

10.   Location URL: svn+ssh://[email protected]/Users/ss-io/svn/repos
then click Next

11.   Select Folder: IO-PJWSTK or CoffeeMakerStudent-PJWSTK then click Finish

12.   Enter your password when asked, then Check in Save Information

13.   In the Check Out As dialog make Project Name for your project in the workspace as needed, for example IO-PJWSTK-XX.

14.   Click Finish

15.   Important: Do not commit any changes to this shared template project.


2. Share an Eclipse Project in the CVS Repository


1.       If the project is shared disconnect it from the repository. Select the project in the Navigator view and click on the menu item  Team/DisconnectÉ, then select Also delete the SVN meta information from the file system

2.       Select the project then in the popup menu select Team=>Share Project...

3.       Select a repository type: SVN then  Next  and  Use existing repository location, as defined in the step 10 above

4.       Click Next

5.       Select Use specified folder name:  and name your project uniquely, for example:  IO-PJWSTK-123456  where  123456  is your ID.

6.       Click Next and provide your comment.

7.       Click Finish

8.       Finally commit (Team/CommitÉ) your new shared project.