01: /**
02:    Computes the average of a set of data values.
03: */
04: public class DataSet
05: {
06:    /**
07:       Constructs an empty data set with a given measurer.
08:       @param aMeasurer the measurer that is used to measure data values
09:    */
10:    public DataSet(Measurer aMeasurer)
11:    {
12:       sum = 0;
13:       count = 0;
14:       maximum = null;
15:       measurer = aMeasurer;
16:    }
18:    /**
19:       Adds a data value to the data set.
20:       @param x a data value
21:    */
22:    public void add(Object x)
23:    {
24:       sum = sum + measurer.measure(x);
25:       if (count == 0 
26:             || measurer.measure(maximum) < measurer.measure(x))
27:          maximum = x;
28:       count++;
29:    }
31:    /**
32:       Gets the average of the added data.
33:       @return the average or 0 if no data has been added
34:    */
35:    public double getAverage()
36:    {
37:       if (count == 0) return 0;
38:       else return sum / count;
39:    }
41:    /**
42:       Gets the largest of the added data.
43:       @return the maximum or 0 if no data has been added
44:    */
45:    public Object getMaximum()
46:    {
47:       return maximum;
48:    }
50:    private double sum;
51:    private Object maximum;
52:    private int count;
53:    private Measurer measurer;
54: }