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Class Room Training

 Object Mentor Inc. is sponsoring a 5 day class featuring Kent Beck, Martin Fowler, Ron Jeffries, and Robert Martin. It takes place February 19-23 and June 4-8 in Vernon Hills, IL .
 XPeditionstraining der XP-Usergroup Hamburg. Unser zweitägiger XP - Workshop vom 19.-20. April 2001.
 Industrial Logic offers a workshop in Portugal May 28 - June 1, 2001, in San Francisco July 16 - 20, 2001, and in New York City September 10 - 14, 2001

Web Sites

Portland Pattern Repository Click Here!  The Portland Pattern Repository hosted by Ward Cunningham. A lively free wheeling discussion group. Ask questions and get answers. All points of view are well represented here. Information and experiences using XP from several projects.
XProgramming.com Click Here!  XProgramming.com hosted by Ron Jeffries. Articles by Ron and others. Lessons learned from the C3 project, Q&A and more.
XP Developer Click Here!  XP Developer a wiki style discussion group. The discussions are about how to actually do XP. Find out about the Extreme Tuesday Club which meets in London.
 Laurie Williams is researching pair programming at the University of Utah. She has conducted a survey of professional programmers who have experience working in pairs.
 Willam Wake has written many good articles targeted at understanding specific XP topics.
 Martin Fowler has created a web site for information about refactoring including updates to his book.
 Jim Highsmith talks about XP in an article at e-business application delivery.
Role Model Software  RoleModel Software has an eXtreme Programming Software Studio(tm) and an apprenticeship program.
 Yonat Sharon has a general OO site with some information about XP.


 OT2001 will host some XP disussions this year. April 2-4 in Oxford, England
   A two-day conference all about eXtreme Programming will be held in Stockholm 24 - 25 April, 2001
 XP2001 the International Conference on eXtreme Programming and Flexible Processes in Software Engineering 21 - 23 May, 2001 in Villasimius, Sardinia, Italy
 XP Universe has been announced! July 23-25 in Raleigh, North Carolina.


XP People

 An excellent source of information are the people who have already been learning about XP.
   There is the Michigan eXtreme Programming Enthusiasts. The next meeting is February 15.
   There is XP Denver for the Colorado Front Range. With members from Fort Collins, Boulder, Denver,
and Colorado Springs.
   There is a Hamburg XP user's group.
   The eXtreme Tuesday Club meets in London (UK).
   There is an XP User's Group starting in Phoenix, Arizona
  Group Discussion
 ObjectMentor Inc. has set up an XP mailing list for us at eGroups.com.
   There is now a usenet news group comp. software. extreme-programming


Extreme programming explained  Extreme Programming Explained: Embrace Change. Kent Beck explains the concepts and philosophy behind extreme programming. This book teaches what and why but not how.
Refactoring  Refactoring Improving the Design of Existing Code. Martin Fowler writes the first authoritative volume on refactoring. Presented as patterns. There are plenty of examples in Java. This book teaches you how to refactor and why.
 Extreme Programming Installed. By Ron Jeffries, Chet Hendrickson, and Ann Anderson. This book covers specific XP practices in finer detail than Expreme Programming Explained. This book teaches how to program XP style.
 Planning Extreme Programming by Kent Beck, and Martin Fowler. This book presents the latest thoughts on how to plan software in a rapid delivery environment. This book teaches how to run an XP project.
Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns  Smalltalk Best Practice Patterns. Kent Beck provides us with patterns for writing good Smalltalk code. Examples are provided in Smalltalk. This book is recommended as a coding standard for Smalltalk projects. It can be used as-is.

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Exclusive of cover art and logos as noted, Copyright 1999 by J. Donovan Wells. Pattern logo Copyright 1997 Cunningham and Cunningham Inc. Red XP logo Copyright 1998 Ronald E. Jeffries. XPDeveloper logo Copyright 1999 XPDeveloper.com. Role Model logo copyright 1998 Rolemodel Software. eXtreme Programming Software Studio is a trade mark of Rolemodel Software. U of Utah logo copyright by the University of Utah. Refactoring graphic Copyright 1999 Addison Wesley Longman, Inc.